Despite the global attention it has garnered, the opioid epidemic is getting worse each year. Many myths and misconceptions around…
Those who struggle with social anxiety disorder feel uncomfortable in large crowds or with people they don’t know. As a…
If you can manage your addiction throughout the day but still need professional help to maintain your recovery, an outpatient…
Addiction is a disease. Despite what some people believe, it’s nearly impossible to quit “cold turkey” independently. When you look…
Holidays should be happy occasions that provide an opportunity for friends and family to get together and enjoy the season….
Addiction recovery does not end when you complete your substance abuse treatment program. It is a continual process of growth…
Heroin’s an illicit street drug. It’s also an opiate with high addiction potential. If you’re struggling with dependence on this…
Behavioral addictions are not just limited to substance abuse or dependency. They can include anything from shopping and gambling to…
Heroin addiction is one of the most difficult addictions to treat, both physiologically and psychologically. Understanding the effects of heroin…
Your recovery journey after heroin abuse begins with the removal of the substance from your body through detoxification. Heroin addiction…